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Either your web browser doesn't support Javascript or it is currently turned off. In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page. Cell , 18 Mar , 7 : Refer to the copyright information in the article for licensing details. Free full text in Europe PMC. We developed a miniaturized two-photon microscope MINI2P for fast, high-resolution, multiplane calcium imaging of over 1, neurons at a time in freely moving mice.
With a microscope weight below 3 g and a highly flexible connection cable, MINI2P allowed stable imaging with no impediment of behavior in a variety of assays compared to untethered, unimplanted animals. The improved cell yield was achieved through a optical system design featuring an enlarged field of view FOV and a microtunable lens with increased z -scanning range and speed that allows fast and stable imaging of multiple interleaved planes, as well as 3D functional imaging.
Successive imaging across multiple, adjacent FOVs enabled recordings from more than 10, neurons in the same animal. Large-scale proof-of-principle data were obtained from cell populations in visual cortex, medial entorhinal cortex, and hippocampus, revealing spatial tuning of cells in all areas. A major goal of contemporary neuroscience is to identify the neural population codes underlying complex mammalian brain functions.
New technologies for large-scale neural recording during behavior have made this goal attainable. Optical imaging is one of these technologies. For imaging in behaving rodents, investigators have relied on stationary benchtop two-photon 2P microscopes in which the animal performs tasks while head-fixed under the objective.