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By Amanda Robb. The revelations overcame Edgar Maddison Welch like a hallucinatory fever. On December 1st, , the father of two from Salisbury, North Carolina, a man whose pastimes included playing Pictionary with his family, tried to persuade two friends to join a rescue mission.
Alex Jones, the Info-Wars host, was reporting that Hillary Clinton was sexually abusing children in satanic rituals a few hundred miles north, in the basement of a Washington, D. Three days later, armed with an AR semiautomatic rifle, a. He shot open a lock and found cooking supplies. He whipped open another door and found an employee bringing in fresh pizza dough.
Welch did not find any captive children — Comet Ping Pong does not even have a basement — but he did prove, if there were any lingering doubts after the election, that fake news has real consequences. Several media outlets quickly traced the contours of what became known as Pizzagate: The claim that Hillary Clinton was a pedophile started in a Facebook post, spread to Twitter and then went viral with the help of far-right platforms like Breitbart and Info-Wars. But it was unclear whether Pizzagate was mass hysteria or the work of politicos with real resources and agendas.
It took the better part of a year and two teams of researchers to sift through the digital trail. We found ordinary people, online activists, bots, foreign agents and domestic political operatives. Many of them were associates of the Trump campaign.