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All rights reserved. Hooper Your website contains a great deal of primary source information on the Holocaust. It is an excellent site, not only to refute the ludicrous assertions of deniers, but also to assure that we will not forget what really happened.
That avid anti-Semite managed to evade human justice following the World War II and his crimes have remained unaccounted for in world history. We believe that this well documented book supported by numerous testimonies and documents preserved in database of the Holocaust Memorial Society represents a valuable insight into almost unknown massacres which took place in January in northern Serbia.
I've been off work recently and have been doing a lot of reading about the Holocaust and of course any searches on the internet immediately pop up all these conspiracy theorists and Holocaust Denier websites. I have to say that although I have a Science degree, at first glance many of these sites put up quite an impressive showing and it's quite worrying to see the large number of less well informed people believing this kind of information.
However having found your website and associated links, the quality of work and research and the unbiased objectivity of the articles blows these other guys out of the water; hardly surprising they prefer to blog this rubbish amongst themselves rather than come out in the open and be utterly demolished by the high quality historical and scientific work I see here.