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Explor Med. Although the prevalence of coronary heart disease CHD and hypertension which are the most common causes of the development and progression of chronic heart failure CHF is high, hour ambulatory blood pressure BP monitoring ABPM in patients with CHF is not mandatory to be performed. The growing number of evidence suggests that excessive decrease in BP which clearly reflects increased BP variability BPV affects the survival of patients with heart failure HF. The objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between the parameters specific to CHF severity and features of daily BP profiles in patients with ischemic CHF and hypertension.
The relationships between the abovementioned parameters were evaluated using the univariate correlation analysis and stepwise multiple linear regression. To date, coronary heart disease CHD and hypertension remain one of the leading causes of the development and progression of chronic heart failure CHF [ 1 — 4 ].
Arterial hypertension is one of the most important modifiable risk factors for the development of cardiovascular complications. High blood pressure BP is associated with the risk of cardiovascular events and mortality in general [ 5 ]. The incidence of CHF in subjects older than 45 years old is doubled every 10 years.
At this time, the number of subjects with coronary atherosclerosis and consequently with CHD and CHF is progressively increasing. Moreover, in recent years, more and more evidence has appeared indicating that not only increased BP but also its variability is involved in the relationship between hypertension and risk of end-organ damage and occurrence of cardiovascular events [ 15 ]. In particular, there is data in the literature on the negative impact of hypotension, including orthostatic hypotension, on the development of outcomes in patients with CHF with reduced ejection fraction [ 16 ].