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Peter Allen David born September 23, , [ 3 ] [ 4 ] often abbreviated PAD , [ 5 ] is an American writer of comic books, novels, television, films and video games. His Star Trek work includes comic books, novels such as Imzadi , and co-creation of the New Frontier series. His other novels include film adaptations, media tie-ins, and original works, such as the Apropos of Nothing and Knight Life series.
David often jokingly describes his occupation as "Writer of Stuff", [ 6 ] [ 7 ] and he is noted for his prolific writing, characterized by its mingling of real-world issues with humor [ 8 ] [ 9 ] and references to popular culture, as well as elements of metafiction [ 5 ] and self-reference. Peter David's paternal grandparents, Martin and Hela David, and his father, Gunter, emigrated to the United States in the s after the antisemitism in Nazi Germany progressed to the point that Martin's Berlin shoestore became the target of vandalism.
David first became interested in comics when he was about five years old, reading copies of Harvey Comics ' Casper and Wendy in a barbershop. He became interested in superheroes through the Adventures of Superman TV series. As a result, David read those comics in secret, [ 28 ] [ 29 ] beginning with his first Marvel book, Fantastic Four Annual 3 November , which saw the wedding of Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman.
David's earliest interest in writing came through the journalism work of his father, Gunter, who sometimes reviewed movies and took young Peter along if it was age-appropriate. While Gunter wrote his reviews back at the newspaper's office, David wrote his own, portions of which sometimes found their way into Gunter's published reviews. Although his family eventually moved to Pennsylvania , [ 37 ] his experiences in Verona soured him on that town and shaped his liberal sociopolitical positions regarding LGBT issues.