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Your web browser is no longer supported. To improve your experience update it here. News World. Russian school under investigation after dance video shows teens twerking during Winnie The Pooh routine. By 9NEWS. Tweet Facebook Mail. The video, called "Winnie-the-Pooh and the Bees", shows a group of girls in striped orange leotards and short black wrap skirts performing on stage at a dance school in the central Russian city of Orenburg. Since being uploaded onto YouTube over the weekend it has gained more than six million views and has sparked condemnation across conservative Russia.
Management from the Kredo dance school could face charges of "lascivious actions", a sex offence against minors which carries up to 15 years in prison. Video of the dance shows it beginning innocently enough, with a performer in a bear costume looking into an empty jar of honey. Girl dancers dressed as bees then surround him on stage as the music switches to a techno beat. The girls, who appear to be in their early to mid-teens, shake their behinds up and down for two minutes, with their backs turned to the auditorium.
At one point they perform the move while lying on the floor, ending the routine by dramatically ripping off their skirts. The Kremlin children's ombudsman Pavel Astakhov called the dance move "vulgar and insulting. The regional prosecutor issued a statement saying they were looking into "all activities" offered by the youth centre that hosts the dance school and were also investigating its businesswoman owner.
Orenburg mayor Yevgeny Arapov, meanwhile, appealed to parents to sign their children up for more "respectable" dances. Local authorities had launched a city-wide inspection of dance studios for "similar incidents" and advised choreographers to observe "moral indicators" when working with children, a spokeswoman for the Orenburg administration told Russian state news.