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To browse Academia. Fabian Tricarico. Arnulfo Moreno. Christos Athanassiou , Les Shipp. More than 25 years ago, Donald Stokes argued that we must move beyond the false dichotomy of basic or applied research and suggested that when considering a program of scientific research it is important to ask whether i the work is motivated by use and ii if there is a search for fundamental understanding.
One advantage of such work is that the search for fundamental understanding means that the problem-solving tools are more likely to be transferrable.
Richard Vane-Wright. Gajbe, Vaishali H. Arnold van Huis. Clifford Ando. Charles E. Peck Jr. Windra Else Paembonan. Adrian Wever. Maria R.
Panha Phatana. Shafa Nabila. Eckart Otto. Hendry Kennedy. Allyzon Torrez. Z vrcholu na okraj. Jan Golian. Symeon Paschalidis. Anna Marciniak-Kajzer. Thomas Penzel. Farhat Iqbal. Zargul Sulaman. Helene Fung. Carl Lynch. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link.