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If you wish to verify the text, please download the PDF of the scanned pages. Since the book titles discussed are in a horrible Gothic type font that doesn't OCR very well here are the books discussed in this volume of the book the number at the start is the page number. Embellished with Numerous Copper Plate Engravings. Page 69, Memoirs of the Life of the Celebrated Miss fanny hill Detailing, in glowing language, her Adventures as a Courtesan and Kept-Mistress; her strange vicissitudes and happy end.
Par M. Cleland, Contenant Les Memoires de Mlle. Nouvelle Edition. Cleland Contenant Les Memoires de Mlle. Tome I. Cataline's Amour with Ferdinand. Founded on Facts. In Two Volumes. Illustrated with Six Coloured Plates. Printed for the Nihilists. Being the Adventures of an Amorous Widow.
Feline Reimpression Textuelle. HERE I am, as usual, nestled among- all the good things that intellect has produced —my walls are " instinct with thought"—I inhale here the essence of departed wisdom—the breathings of its spirit. Les livres indecens ne sont point ceux qui nuisent! On ne saurait nuire davantage qu'en insinuant qu'il y a deux morales, celle de la sagesse et celle du plaisir, ou les preceptes publics et les maximes secrfetes.
This is a mistake. The Holy Spirit himself has told us, in a truth as mighty as a whirlwind, as unshaken and firm as a chain of mountains, that "the kingdom of God is within us. We cannot be gopd by pretending not to know evil.