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Good afternoon. We have 19 measures on the agenda today. Please note that SB by Newman has been pulled from today's hearing by the author. I believe we have a quorum, so, Secretary, please call the roll. Rivas, here. Flora, here. Addis, here. Mathis, here. Muratsuchi, here. Pellerin, here. Wood, here. Zbur, here. Okay, we have a quorum. We have a motion and a second for the consent calendar.
Secretary, please call the roll. Rivas, aye. Flora, aye. Addis, aye. Mathis, aye. Muratsuchi, aye. Pellerin, aye. Wood, Aye. Zbur, aye. Consent calendar has nine votes. We'll leave it open for absent Members. Okay, next, we have--we're taking bills in sign in order. Senator Wiener. We're starting with SB 4. Thank you very much, Madam Chair. Colleagues, I'm here today to present Senate Bill regarding--which is an extension and refinement of Senate Bill 35 which is the law that the Legislature passed and the Governor signed in Unfortunately, we've been unable to come to full agreement with the Committee on all amendments, but I want to outline for the Committee what I am committed to, and so I'll do that.
First, I have agreed that we will take an amendment relating to the wildfire language in the bill. We will remove that language, and we will replace it with a temporary placeholder intent language with the idea of working over the course of the summer to have refined fire language, engaging experts, departments, stakeholders, the relevant committees, and so forth, and I just want to read that one sentence, which is the following quote.
In addition, relating to the coastal zone, the analysis has an amendment to reinstate the full exemption. I'm not agreeing to that. However, I want to thank the Chair and the Committee for engaging with some shuttle diplomacy between myself and the Coastal Commission.