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C Sandra Knapp. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.
The Dulcamaroid clade of Solanum contains 45 species of mostly vining or weakly scandent species, including the common circumboreal weed Solanum dulcamara L.
The group comprises members of the previously recognised infrageneric groupings sect. Andropedas Rusby, sect. Californisolanum A. Child, sect. Dulcamara Moench Dumort. Holophylla G. Don Walp. Jasminosolanum Bitter Seithe, sect. Lysiphellos Bitter Seithe, subsect.
Nitidum A. Child and sect. Subdulcamara Dunal. These infrageneric groups are not monophyletic as traditionally recognised, and the complex history of the classification of the dulcamaroid solanums is reviewed.