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We invite you to examine sex education as a vehicle for racial justice, and also to examine steps for harm reduction and transformative justice with regard to harmful sexual and relationship behavior, as well as all harmful behavior with your clients and communities as an ongoing antecedent intervention to minimize the need for reliance on punitive systems which can exacerbate client and community harm.
Consent is defined as giving assent or approval Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Often and especially in the current state of metoo, we think of consent as giving permission or agreement between two or more people to engage in sexual activity.
Without consent, sexual behavior becomes criminal with a perpetrator and a victim. There are a few particularly vulnerable populations where sexual violence is significantly higher. If you are a member of more than one of these groups, your chances of becoming a victim increases.
Deficits in communication also impact the victims ability to report the incident. Poor social skills and judgement are also common deficits in this population. This would include situations where someone is offering a special treat for compliance with an illegal sexual act.