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Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Show All Answers. This tax rate election for the City of Mesquite is aimed at seeking approval from residents to change the tax rate that directly impacts the city's revenue and financial operations. A tax rate election gives residents the opportunity to directly influence how their local government generates revenue and allocates funds for essential services such as Fire, Public Safety, Infrastructure, and more.
First, verify that you are registered to vote in this election. Call the Dallas County Elections Department at or visit www. Early voting is Oct. Election Day is Nov.
The City of Mesquite will provide information about the tax election through various channels:. You, or your insurance agent, may obtain a copy of the call log Call Sheet from records. How do I report a barking concern? Nuisance barking complaints can be reported to Animal Services at or online at: This link Please click here.
How do I report a stray animal? How do I report a vicious stray animal? What can I do if I have lost my pet? Animal Services recommends the following steps when looking for a lost pet: 1. View the Community Lost and Found postings at: This link. What do I do with my pet that has passed away?