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The classical open forehead lift surgery or coronal browlift involves placing an incision from ear to ear over the top of the head. This was done primarily to reverse the aging changes associated with the constant stronger downward pull of muscles around the eyes corrugator muscles vs. The initial operations had short term results because excess skin was not removed so surgeons began a variety of fixation maneuvers by screw, suture etc. If you have a lot of excess forehead skin especially after the age of 50 or 60 it just will not shrink after the endoscopic approach so you need to have the open approach procedure.
Thus the endoscopic approach is probably best for those with mild aging changes of the forehead. Since many of these patients have simultaneous blepharoplasty eyelid surgery some surgeons remove the main downward pulling muscles via the eyelid incision thereby forgoing browlift surgery in cases of mild brow drooping.
Foreheadplasty is recontouring of the forehead bone usually at the same time as a browlift. This has to be done via the ear to ear coronal incision in order to get adequate exposure. It is mostly done for reconstruction after accidents, feminization of the forehead and lowering of the hairline. If the brow drooping is severe enough to partially obstruct vision or reconstruction after traumatic injury is required the surgery is covered by health insurance.
In the case of vision obstruction you will need to have visual field test results and photos submitted to your health insurance for preauthorization prior to surgery. Risks There are general risks common to all types of browlifts and specific risks for each type.