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Dear Eric: I am a year-old man, married for 42 years. I am married to the smartest, kindest, most decent person I have ever known. I tell her that all the time. I am also still wildly attracted to her. She finds that creepy which makes me feel awful.
She feels my physical attraction to her is demeaning. Is it creepy for me to still feel so physically attracted to my wife? Dear Language: Ask her how she wants to feel appreciated. Maybe something has changed about the way she feels about herself, her sex drive, or even you. Maybe your way of expressing your attraction has changed.
If nothing has changed, something is wrong. The way to find out is to ask questions without an expectation. You love this smart, kind, decent woman, so take the opportunity to listen to her smarts, without judgment and with as much openness as you can muster. Dear Eric: We want to give our older car to our granddaughter, but we also have a step-grandson that lives in the same house and who is close to the same age.
He has grandparents, also. I should be able to do it if we want to, I would think. Have you asked your son and daughter-in-law about it? They can help flag and smooth out any sibling strife bubbling up from the gift. Dear Eric: The letter from the year-old widow Lonely Mom brought back memories of my own mother.