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Tsukune's feeling for the Outer Moka is obvious in the terms of love. In the anime, they often would exchange loving glances at each other. Though he feels highly uncomfortable when ever she takes a drink of his blood, which he would react by screaming and pulling himself away from her, often with a spray of blood coming from his neck.
In the manga, Tsukune has a crush and feelings of love for Outer Moka right from the start of the story. When Tsukune first met Moka, he was immediately attracted to Moka and said to himself that she is the cutest girl that he has ever seen in his entire life.
In as early as Chapter 1 of manga, Tsukune says to Moka that he likes her. Tsukune blushes around Moka and often thinks or fantasizes about being with her. Tsukune is very protective of Moka. There are numerous instances in the manga where Tsukune takes a damaging blow for Moka, in order to protect her. In Chapter 11, although he does not want to be a vampire at first, Tsukune says that he is willing to become one as long as he can protect Moka.
It can be seen that Moka's crush and feelings of love for Tsukune is more pronounced in the manga, and vice versa as well Tsukune's feelings to Moka. Whenever Tsukune tries to make Outer Moka happy or willingly allows her to suck his blood for her health and happiness, she blushes and is very happy.