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Catholic video on Mary Fr. Post a Comment Comments are moderated and are published at the blogger's discretion. Blog Archive. Today is the feast of Saint Michael de Sanctis, also known as St. Michael of the Saints, a Spanish Discalced Trinitarian priest, the patron of cancer patients. At age 6, he told his parents that he planned to become a monk and began modeling his life after Saint Francis of Assisi. He then served as an apprentice with a local merchant. During this apprenticeship, he continued his fervent devotion to the Lord, especially to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
At the age of 12, he joined the Trinitarian Friars at Barcelona, taking his vows at St. Shortly afterwards, Michael expressed a desire to join the reformed group of Trinitarians and was given permission to do so. He went to the Novitiate at Madrid and, after studies at Seville and Salamanca, he was ordained a priest. Twice he served as Superior of the hou.
Read more. August 11 is the memorial of St. Clare, one of my favorite saints. She was the first woman to follow the life of radical poverty practiced by St. Francis of Assisi and is the co-founder of the Poor Clares. Although I am not a Franciscan, I have had Franciscan friends, clergy, and spiritual directors instruct me on the beauty of St.
Clare's spirituality. I have also learned a great deal from reading about her over the years. Clare and Francis is a film which depicts the fascinating story of her dramatic conversion and surrender to the will of God. Clare is the patron saint of television. She is also the patron of eye disorders, embroiderers, good weather, and telephones. The Contemplative Life The Lady Clare was born into a noble family in Assisi in and was admired for her great beauty.