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One of them is Hana Weissman, in whose estate the photo was found. More Info. Note: Szymszon Weissman b. The family was a Hebrew — speaking Zionist one.
Hana was active in the local chapter of the HaShomer HaTzair movement. In September , she and twenty other members decided to immigrate to Palestine, buy a plot of land in common and work it. In January , three months before their final exams, they informed the principal, a member of the Polish Sejm, that they were quitting, and disregarded his objection in light of the shaky situation in Post WWI Europe. When the first group left Radom for Palestine, Hana was made leader of the local girls division.
In late January , when Hana and her comrades began their journey to Palestine, they received a telegram from Krakow, informing them that the border has been closed. Young men were being conscripted. Hana had to stay in Poland and took a job as a teacher in the Tarbut school near the Russian border.
In November , Yitzhak left Radom for Palestine. He arrived in and was a founding member of Kibbutz Yagur. In , Hana learned sewing and shoemaking in a local craft school in order to make a living in Palestine.