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Search below to view digital records and find material that you can access at our library and at the Shapell Center. Search this record's additional resources, such as finding aids, documents, or transcripts. No results match this search term. Check spelling and try again. There is no transcript available for this track. Also contains photographs of Martin Radley in and Also contains a photograph of Margit Feldman at age 8 and two photographs of her in Judit Gottdiener, born in in Budapest, Hungary, describes her early childhood in Budapest; her recollections of enjoyable family life and religious experience; the Royal Air Force bombing Budapest; her father's tobacco accessories store; her memories of wearing a yellow star; her family's attempt to escape to Palestine; her transport to Bergen-Belsen; participating in the daily counting; her memories of Yom Kippur in Bergen-Belsen; her transport to a Red Cross Camp in Switzerland; her memories of her grandparents' deaths in the Budapest ghetto; her marriage to Ernest in ; her move back to Vienna, Austria, from the United States in ; and her permanent move to the United States in The recording also includes one photograph of Luna Kaufman in and one of her in Clara Kramer born in discusses her childhood in Zholkva, Poland now ZHovkva, Ukraine ; her memories of a "vibrant" Jewish life in Zholkva before German invasion in ; antisemitism in the s; her recollections of the slow changes to Jewish status in the town after ; the April Aktion in Zholkva; the curfew in Zholkva and transports to Belzec concentration camp, starting in the summer of ; her time helping people who jumped off transport trains; her time hiding for 22 months after the November 22, Aktion with her family and others in the home of a Polish family, the Becks; her memories of Mr.
Beck and their daughter; her trip to the Zholkva ghetto with her mother and Mr. Beck and his daughter; the Judenrat Jewish council in the Zholkva ghetto; the March Aktion; a fire in the Becks' neighborhood on Palm Sunday, April 20, ; her sister's death on April 20, ; liberation by the Russians; her time in a displaced persons camp in Germany; descriptions of her diary that she wrote in throughout the Holocaust; and her post-Holocaust American-Jewish activism.
Also contains a photograph of Clara Kramer at age Josef Mengele for the gas chamber; her aimless work while she was imprisoned in Birkenau; Dr. Also contains a photograph of Allen in and a photograph of him in Sonya Oshman, born on December 17, , discusses her childhood in Novogrudok, Poland now Navahrudak, Belarus ; growing up in a wealthy family; her family's near deportation to Serbia by the Russians; her Polish neighbors being sometimes helpful and sometimes antisemitic; her sister's death in a German bombing raid; the elderly and the very young being murdered first; young people being used in forced labor; her memories of her father before his death in a concentration camp; her family's escape from a ghetto through a tunnel; the "Aktion" in the ghetto following their escape; her brother's immigration to Israel following liberation; her five years in a displaced persons camp in Italy; and her move to the United States with her husband in Also contains two photographs of Sonya one is dated June and the other is undated.
Liesel Mayerfeld, born in , discusses her early childhood in Frankfurt, Germany; her memories of pre-war life in Frankfurt; her memories of Kristallnacht in November ; her father's deportation to Buchenwald concentration camp during Kristallnacht; her move to the Netherlands with her sister following Kristallnacht; her life in the Netherlands with her uncle; her mother's work to get her father released from Buchenwald; her father's release from Buchenwald; her father's travel to England in July ; her mother's travel with an infant son to England in August ; moving to England in January of ; her family's move to Detroit, MI in ; her reaction to American culture and the English language; her brother's move to Israel; and her current life in Elizabeth, NJ.