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Family secrets. Friend and colleague secrets. Big, frightening, serious secrets. And those small ones we keep only out of embarrassment or so as not to hurt a friend. For example:. Should you tell your six-year-old grandson that there is no Santa Claus?
And what do you say when it is his ten-year-old cousin who has outed to him that Santa is really his Dad? Should you tell your partner that you and Terry did have sex at the office party last month? If so, do you also admit that neither of you was as drunk as you pretended to be? And while you are on the subject, do you mention it was not the first time? Or the second?
And bore a child whom you held once and then gave up for adoption? The tyrant drank himself to death. And not a moment too soon. Should you tell your friend, who for some reason wants no one, including you, to know, that her daughter spilled the beans?
That you do know she has cancer? Should you die never having told the friends closest to you that your daughter is a lesbian, because admitting it makes you feel you failed at motherhood? And those are just a couple of the things we do not tell our friends. There are so many. That they are looking old and fat, especially in that outfit. That the Botox was a bad idea.