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There is a popular belief at least outside of Poland that Polish women are promiscuous. I've been hearing this for a few years now from different non-white ethnic groups and sometimes I don't know what to say. Should I be offended? I do have a sister after all I guess it's all subjective really. But if you hear the same crap from time to time does it become the truth? It's like me saying that Asian women are submissive. Anyways, I'm living in Canada and don't really know too many Poles but the ones I've known have been pretty decent so I don't know where this started.
I don't want to hear that the women in my culture are overly easy. Call me conservative. It's funny there's another topic about Polish girls being prudes. BubbaWoo 33 31 Jan 3. Brit 1 49 1 Feb 5. However i think its true that some races see Polish women are more easy to get sex from due to them being newcomers in a country. Krakowianka 1 1 Feb 6. Seanus 15 1 Feb 7. Some are, some aren't. Even the same girl is both prudish and promiscuous at different times.
Oops, did I just say that? BubbaWoo 33 1 Feb 9. JustysiaS 13 1 Feb I've been hearing this for a few years now from different non-white ethnic groups. Seanus 15 1 Feb I agree. I saw this back in Scotland many years ago. Even as a kid I knew it was wrong just to affix labels like 'slut, slag or tart'. It was done too cheaply.
Since when has sex been a bad thing if done properly? Also, what makes it other people's business to pry into the private and intimate behaviour of consenting adults? We all received sexual education, some just interpreted the advocation of sex more liberally than others. MrBubbles 10 1 Feb Anyone who is promiscuous is a disgrace About being with the non-white The person who thinks like this is lacking seriously in his manhood.