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To browse Academia. This study of individually marked members of a Blackbird population in two parks in the city of Szczecin was carried out in The oldest bird observed in was older than 9 years.
In the study area, the mean age of breeding Blackbirds ranged from 1. No statistically significant differences between the age groups in the two parks were found. Dariusz Wysocki. The size and quality of breeding territory of Blackbird populations were studied in in two parks of Szczecin NW Poland. The Blackbird density as well as timing of territory occupation influenced the territory size.
A significant reduction in territory size with Ardea 92 1 : This paper is aimed at describing the frequencies of European Blackbird mating strategies observed in an urban population in Central Europe. The study was carried out in in two Szczecin city parks: Park Z In the breeding events of pairs observed over 7 years in Park Z, 4 cases of polygyny the second female laid an egg , 5 attempts at polygyny the second female built the nest only , 1 attempt at polyterritorial polygyny the male defended two different territories and guarded two different females at the beginning of the breeding season , 3 cases of sequential polyandry, 1 case of sequential polygyny, and 2 cases of simultaneous polyandry were recorded.
The population showed an increased tendency towards sedentariness. In the winter season among individuals not undertaking migration males show greater tendency to stay near the park, while females were more likely to travel further distances.