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What's it like to make love to a drunken stranger in an outdoor waste box? Some readers have an answer. They have sprawling campgrounds all around the track for fellow redneck racing fans to get hammered off of natty ice and sing karaoke together I was in one of the campgrounds two nights before the race when I woke up to the muffled sounds of sloppy drunk banging.
I put some clothes on and got out of my tent to further explore, and to my delight horror I saw a group of about 15 people surrounding a lone port-a-john and two people absolutely going nuts in there. The whole ordeal lasted about 15 minutes or so, and the two port-a-john screwers walked out to raucous applause. We even got a bow from the dude…. I would never ever do such a thing, but my wife was an attorney in the Marine Corps, and she had several clients who got busted for banging in port-a-johns in Iraq or Kuwait they were court martialed if they were married or if one was a superior officer.
I'll have to ask my wife if her stories are covered by attorney-client privilege. The port-a-potty sex was prevalent enough that people who participated were called "blue boots. It wasn't me that fucked in a port o potty but my dear friend John and his ex Maggie. This wasn't your run of the mill shitter either. This was 3rd of July middle of summer hot and the location was the Taste of Chicago. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Taste but it is a 3 week long obese gorge fest where all people do is eat, drink and take smelly shits.
Roughly 2 million people attend the taste on July 3rd alone, so based on my math, I have deduced that deuces were dropped in that port o potty. He laid down his boxers, sat on them and she rode him while he covered his face with his shirt. All the while we stood outside cheering. But alas his boner couldn't make it past the smell.