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Discussion 0. Starting point is Endear yourself to the Madeira, you big-eared queevas. Welcome to the Blind Boy Podcast. If this is your first podcast, I recommend going back and listening to some earlier podcasts. Some people even begin at the start to familiarise yourself with the lore of this podcast. After five years of writing this podcast each week, I realised that it's more like a novel than a podcast, which might sound a bit jarring, but podcasts are so new.
I don't think anyone has really sat down and asked the question, what is a podcast? We tend to lump all podcasts into one. We don't think about the podcast critically. To me, a podcast is, it's another form of blank page or it's another. Starting point is type of blank canvas but it's intangible and exists in the digital ether. The blank page used to be made from fucking papyrus and then it was made from vellum and then it was made from paper. And then it was made from paper. The blank page of the podcast is made out of time.
Our attention and our data has been so fucking commodified by smartphones that podcasts are often our only little release from the excitement and anxiety of that. People used to read books to avoid boredom.
They had a lot of free time and stillness in their day. Starting point is so they'd fill that time with a book we kind of had the opposite problem I've forgotten what boredom feels like it's not possible for me to be bored while I have a smartphone and if I don't have a smartphone I experience separation anxiety from it but with multiple social media apps, or even something like WhatsApp,.