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To browse Academia. Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 21 2 , , Otilia Radu. The article presents the field research on the consumption of postal services and the appeal to their main suppliers by the Romanian consumers. Basically, the demand for transport services has become a priority among the services that affect the development of both the particular and the general economic activity. Postal services remain deeply marked by an industrial logic related to the challenges of modernizing and adapting postal production and have been inspired since by a new customer orientation.
They cover three dimensions, starting from the delivery schedule and continuing with the reception at the post offices and the processing of applications. The quality of the services represents a major challenge for the main postal operators, respectively the courier companies in Romania, which have countered their strategy of attracting customers by reducing costs.
These strategies cause many operators to reconsider the different dimensions of service quality. Increasing user awareness can enable providers not only to renew their thinking and management tools, but also to revise their own working methods, to strengthen their ability to respond to a rapidly changing world.
This paper, proposes to emphasize the marketing strategy of the tourism companies, in order to promote the development of Romanian services and tourist destinations during an economic crisis. The last decades are characterized by the increase in tourist traffic, based on the diversification and increase in demand and supply of tourism products and services in many regions of the world. New touristic destinations appear continuously, offering novel products, while the touristic entrepreneurs must face a sharp competition on the nowadays tourism market.