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Since last night viewers have tuned in to the young cub of mother bear on the Katmai River Watch Cam. Mother and sibling have intermittently joined to rest next to the cub. She sits and rests patiently beside it. Is that grief, or is her behavior since yesterday more readily explained by nurturing and maternal instincts? After all, we are share a common ancestry. Quantifying those emotions is not really possible though. After all, how would you measure love or anger?
We all know what those emotions are, but think about how difficult it is to describe them. Wild mammals, especially intelligent ones like bears, may experience emotion. Again, I think it is logical to conclude some do on some level, but we will probably never know how this affects their behavior. Parental instinct is powerful in bears, like it is in humans. What is the policy in these situations? Park rangers and biologists will not intervene to help an injured animal.
Injured bears will also not be euthanized unless they pose an imminent threat to human safety. Ranger Mike provides three great examples of injured bears who faced death but went on to live, perhaps with modifications to body or behavior.
We thank everyone for their kind words during this difficult time, and for sharing this experience with each other, as painful as it is. We, like you, hope for the best. This is a really good way of educating the general public about wildlife and how fragile it is and how we should protect it in this their shrinking world. So heartbreaking, hope the little guy will be ok, Hugs to all out there, I can only imagine how hard this must be for everyone.