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Jeffrey Epstein , a wealthy money manager, has long been accused of luring young women and underaged girls to his various homes so he could sexually abuse them. Only in the past year has his misconduct been the focus of intense national media scrutiny, sparked by a bombshell Miami Herald report revealing that reporters had identified about 80 women who say Epstein abused them from to Epstein reportedly had a well-oiled system in place to procure young girls, some of whom also accused his close associate Ghislaine Maxwell, a British socialite, of aiding him.
We know he secured a secret, highly controversial plea deal in thanks to former U. We know Epstein is likely not a billionaire , despite widespread reports labeling him as such. And we know he has been praised by his wealthy friends in glossy magazine profiles.
But there are many other questions that leave us grasping for answers. Epstein and his younger brother, Mark, were raised by middle-class parents in Brooklyn, according to a Vanity Fair profile. By all accounts, Epstein dabbled in college education but never obtained a degree. A spokesman for New York University told HuffPost that Epstein then took classes as a visiting student there from September to June , but he did not take part in a specific degree program.
New York magazine states that he attended the Courant School of Mathematics. Some noticed red flags in his behavior, way back then, while others simply recalled the eye-catching fur coat he liked to wear.