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Diantara tahun sampai seiring dengan perkembangan Televisi d Indonesia, beberapa penyanyi terkenal didunia menjadi idola para orang tua dan anak remaja di SMA sekarang SMU sehingga piring hitamnya sangat dicari walaupun harganya masih mahal akibat dikenakan pajak barang mewah dan hanya bagi mereka yang studi keluar negeri mampu membelinya. Betwwen during the development of television in Indonesia, some famous singers became idle by their fans the oldman and the your high school scholar,but the price of the playrecord plate still high because added tax for exclusived things, only who sturies abroad could by it.
Saya muali mengumpulkan priringhitam penyanyi populer anatara tahun ketika semuaorang mengunakan pita kaset dan CD, seluruh piring hitam lama dibuang dan saya dapat membeli dengan harga yang sangat murah, tetapi sekarang harganya mulai mahal karena banyak kolektor piringhitam antik mencarinya.
I am starting to collect that populer singer playrecord plate in when everybodies used Casset Redorder and CD, all the vintage playrocord plate were thrown and I could bought with very cheapest price, but now become more expensive due to many collectors seeking that rare collections. Untuk kenang-kenangan masa lalu, saya melaksanakan pameran koleksi piring hitam penyanyi idola sebagai kenang-kenangan bagi para orang Tua ,tentunya juga bagi generasi penerus.
As the remembrance of the past, I have make vintage playrocord plate of the idle singers era for oldiest memoriable ,also for young generations. James Travis Reeves August 20, — July 31, was an American country and pop music singer-songwriter popular in the s and s who also gained a wide international following for his pioneering smooth Nashville sound.