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To browse Academia. Ad van der Spek. Brigitte Urban. Jeroen Schokker. The shallow subsurface of the North-Western Netherlands is characterised by up to 10 m thick sequences of Early to Middle Weichselian, fine-grained, organic-rich deposits. Kirsten Grimm.
Pim de Klerk. Combined palaeoecological and sedimentological analyses of a core from a kettle-hole in Vorpom-mern NE Germany allow the reconstruction of the interaction between vegetation and environment during the Weichselian late Pleniglacial, Lateglacial, and Early Holocene. A humus-containing soil horizon Reinberg horizon occurs in the upper part of Pleniglacial sand. This humus formed in a local environment of shallow wet ponds and low dry mineral mounds.
Water levels were generally rather low. Rising water levels at the beginning of the Lateglacial drowned this environment and a lake formed. The sediment parameter, together with the reconstructed vegetation, point at a gradual shift to a more humid climat Knut Kaiser. Michiel Dusar. The Westphalian C was a time of marked tectonic and climatic changes within the Variscan Foreland, but our understanding of these changes is hampered by a poor appreciation of large-scale palaeogeography and palaeogeographic evolution within this key stratigraphic interval.
The distribution of tonsteins, marine bands and faunal occurrences related to marine incursions or the proximity of marine conditions in Britain and on the European mainland during the Westphalian C Bolsovian is briefly summarised.