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From heartburn to pancreatitis, these chest pain-causing conditions range from harmless to dangerous. Many people often equate chest pain to a heart attack, but there are many causes of chest pain. For example, you may be able to tell that chest pain is muscular if it does not last longer than several minutes.
A chest injury or pulled muscle may be the cause if the pain feels tender or worsens when you press on the area. Other causes of chest pain include heartburn , infections, inflammation, and panic attacks. Read on to learn about the different causes of chest pain and when to consult a healthcare provider. Someone can mistake a strained chest muscle for something more serious, like a heart attack, Christine Jellis, MD, Ph.
But he did the right thing, coming in. Healthcare providers do not expect people to be able to tell the difference between a heart attack and a pulled chest muscle, added Dr. You might be able to tell the difference between a heart attack and a pulled chest muscle by pressing on your chest wall. Your pain is more likely to be an injury than a problem with your heart if it feels painful. A heart attack occurs when something severely reduces or completely cuts off the blood flow that brings oxygen to the heart muscle.
Heart attacks may cause pain that lasts for hours and can be fatal if untreated. Not all chest pain indicates a heart attack. For example, angina is a type of chest pain that may feel like pressure or squeezing in your chest, typically when you physically exert yourself. Angina happens if there is a lack of blood supply and oxygen to your heart muscle. You may feel that discomfort in other body parts, such as:.