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In the late s, Joe Biden continued agitating for a wider U. In his eyes, the U. Throughout , Biden waged a tenacious campaign to sell the Clinton administration and his Senate colleagues on a preemptive bombing of Serbia, which he claimed was necessary to prevent killing and displacement operations against the ethnic Albanian population of Kosovo. Kosovo, at the time, was a province of Serbia, and many nations considered the situation to be an internal issue and were reluctant to intervene militarily.
Biden routinely denounced the U. Biden urged Clinton to sell the war to the public and to get congressional support. Number two, if Europe in fact becomes destabilized, we are deeply involved in matters far beyond what is existing now. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest warmongers in U. In a rebuke of Biden and the White House, the House of Representatives voted against a war resolution by a razor slim majority of one vote.
On March 24, , ignoring opposition from the U. The U. Residents attempt to salvage materials from a bombed house in Kosovo, on August 16, For Biden, the bombing was not enough. A month into the air strikes, as many House lawmakers demanded that the War Powers Act be invoked and refused to pass a resolution supporting the war, Biden joined Republican Sen.
The measure was tabled in the Senate and, by a substantial majority, the House voted to block the use of any Defense Department funds for ground operations. While Biden and his allies claimed that the war was necessary to prevent ethnic cleansing and mass killing operations, the overwhelming majority of Kosovo Albanians killed by Serbian forces were killed after the NATO bombing began.