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These materials may be graphic or reflect biases. In some cases, they may conflict with strongly held cultural values, beliefs or restrictions. We provide access to these materials to preserve the historical record, but we do not endorse the attitudes, prejudices, or behaviors found within them. Georgia Historic Newspapers. Toggle navigation. Home Savannah morning news. May 27, Image 2 Savannah morning news. Savannah, Ga.
Below is the OCR text representation for this newspapers page. Ite cireuktlon U 01 mu TBfT or MX enpiAB joubsal now pub lished in the eection of the country born which the business men end merchenle of Berenneh derin their patronage. A bueincee men wants eomethiog more then to eee hie advertisement in n printed newspaper—he xrents cireuletion.
Thoee who with to their munee nowi, ehould ereil them selves of oar. Htou fan at ran Van Boon. Emu A. General Sozuua and Bra. Lsxs ia raising. The uaherer returned, Keying the President wanted nothing to do with the organisation or ita members. Sneh is the aooount given by Bra. Lean's friends. The tbiuftafion of Tuesday con tains a communication from "I. Blount, B. The com munication of Dr. Blount does not eraotly suit our columns We, of conns, cannot determine which story is the true one, and will only give it as our opinion that the "re- puled husband of Bra.
And so of human gov- cramenta: tboy are never perfect, and al ways want mending. In quiet little Portugal the Duke of Saldanha eighty years of age, headed a mob who foroed the prime minister to resign; and from Italy ws hear that three frigates are thoogbt not too grept a force to keep GsxTXsr.