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US temper [backform. US campus a student being initiated into a fraternity, a fraternity pledge; thus goat room , the room used for initiation. Show quotations. Burton Anatomy of Melancholy 3. Vanbrugh Provoked Wife V iii: That goat there, that stallion there, is ready to whip me through the guts.
New Canting Dict. Bailey Universal Etym. Cleland Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Mother Brown had in the mean time agreed the terms with this liquorish old goat. Grose Classical Dict. Newton Samples of Sweethearts and Wives! Spirit of Irish Wit My lawful wife [ Post 25 Feb. Sam Sly 14 Apr. W—e [ Tennant Foveaux I took a tenner off a old goat the other night. Cobbler of Canterbury The Goat! Cryes one of the women; the calfes head! Satirist London 10 Feb. Newcastle Guardian 12 Apr. Blossom Checkers I [ Newcastle Courant 18 Nov.
Bulletin Sydney 31 Dec. Witwer Classics in Sl. Tennant Foveaux I might have known that as soon as my back was turned [ Dialect Poems Yuh mean yuh such a goat! Niland Big Smoke That big goat. Cooper Jr Syndicate Naida was trying to make me the goat.
Berger Sneaky People Why, you old goat! Guardian G2 10 May 7: We make absolute goats of ourselves. Wodehouse Psmith in the City I [ Chandler Farewell, My Lovely I thought of sour old goats like Nulty who had given up trying. Barlay Crumple Zone There she is the crusty old goat, every day, standing around. Kent Modern Flash Dict. Stivens Courtship of Uncle Henry He could do with a kick in the goat. Fisher A.