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Joseph Larmarange : Connect in order to contact the contributor. Sign in. Search Loading Search using SolR syntax. Search using SolR syntax Run the search. Conference Poster Year : Global Health in the Global South. Aline Agoua Function : Author Aprosam. Abstract en. The package was offered through a mobile clinic operating on prostitution sites. A total of women were included, but retention was low, with less than one-third attending quarterly visits.
This analysis examines the factors that enable or hinder the adherence and retention of FSWs METHODS: A qualitative study, conducted between May and November , involved 16 biographical interviews with participants, three individual interviews with non-participating FSWs, 10 interviews with participants who were lost to follow-up, and three focus groups. Additionally, the welcoming attitudes and skills of the care staff, the distribution of free condoms and lubricating gel, and the provision of free care and medication were reported to facilitate their retention in follow-up.
However, some participants found certain aspects of the care provision burdensome, which limited their program adherence. These included concerns about excessive blood sampling and rumours of blood resale, the mobile clinic being located too far away and exposed to indiscretions, visits being deemed excessively long, and challenges related to the high mobility of FSW participants.
Delays in the transmission of medical analysis results, incomplete coverage of expressed needs by the care offer, and insufficient quantities of condoms and lubricants hindered the retention of many participants. Although the program was perceived to have benefits, it was deemed insufficient to meet the needs of FSWs and was seen as burdensome.