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Below is the raw OCR of a collection bawdy typescript broadsides. If you wish to verify the text, please download the PDF of the scanned pages. Also compare this collection with this other broadside collection. One evening two gentlemen were walking down the avenue after the performance at the theatre. They ovserved a well-dressed lady walking ahead of them. So, he was very much amused and surprised when he was summoned to court as a defendant in a suit and hurrying to his lawyer, he laid the facts of the case before him and the lawyer said, "She can't possibly get a judgment against you, but it will be an interesting.
The defendant's lawyer was highly interested and smused at the way his opponent had presented his case and when he got up to argue for his client, he said, "Your Honor, my worthy opponent was very brief in presenting his case, and I will also be brief in my defense. My client agrees that the young lady has a very fine piece of garden lot and shrubbery, which he rented from her for a certain lenght of time, for which he agreed to pay her the sum of 50, and also agreed that he moved upon this property and used it continually for almost the whole linght of time, and it gave him great pleasure to do-so.
Your Honor, my client found upon tis certain piece of garden lot and shrubbery a well, around the opening of which he placed stones,, and in which he sunk a shaft and errected a putfp.
Your honor, we claim that these improvements were worth the which my client failed to pay to the young lady. So we ask that the judgment not be granted.