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Pulsed Eddy Current PEC is an advanced electromagnetic inspection technology used in detecting flaws and corrosion in ferrous materials typically hidden under layers of coating, fireproofing, or insulation. Pulsed Eddy Current PEC is an electromagnetic inspection technique used to detect wall loss on ferromagnetic structures such as carbon steel and cast iron.
It provides a relative volumetric measurement converted into an averaged thickness measurement based on the calibration area. To generate and capture PEC, first, a magnetic field is created by an electrical current in the coils of the probe. It penetrates through the cladding, any non-conductive insulation concrete, silicate, insulation with weather jacket or marine growth and stabilizes in the component thickness.
Then, the emission is cut off. This abrupt change induces eddy currents that will be captured by the probe. Pulsed eddy current is one of the most versatile NDT techniques on the market. It can measure the remaining thickness of a component with a liftoff of any non-ferromagnetic form:.
Lyft is a state-of-the-art high-performance PEC system offering an easy to deploy solution. It is quick and simple to setup. Choosing the right probe is a key of success for a great inspection. Indeed, every probe has a specific footprint at zero liftoff. The footprint is the area with the most sensitive detection capabilities. The footprint is calculated easily:. For help choosing the right probe, refer to the probe selection table.