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The Prologe of the Marchantes Tale. I trowe that it be so, Who are wedded. I believe that it is so, For wel I woot it fareth so with me. For well I know it fares so with me.
She would outmatch him, I dare well swear. She is a shrewe at al. Her high malice? She is a shrew in every way. And the extreme cruelty of my wife Were I unbounden, also moot I thee, Were I released from marriage , so may I may prosper, I wolde nevere eft comen in the snare.
I would never again come in the snare. We wedded men live in sorrow and care. As for the greater part majority -- I say not all. God prevent that it should so happen! Heere bigynneth the Marchantes Tale. As do these fools that are secular. With which God first bound man and woman. Thus said this old knight, who was so wise.
Then is a wife the best part of his treasure. In love, which is nothing but childish vanity. They find when they expect security. Bound under this yoke of marriage. For who can be so obedient as a wife? To care for him, sick and well, as is his mate? Though he lie bedridden until he dies. Of which that Theofrastus is one of those. What does it matter though Theofrastus wants to lie? As to economize in thy household expenditures. For she will claim half part all her life.