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On account of the revelation of Robert's supposed children's true parentage, Stannis declares himself the rightful king after Robert's death as his rightful heir, and begins a campaign to take the Iron Throne. After assassinating his younger brother Renly using bloodmagic , due to Renly also having claimed the throne despite being the youngest brother, Stannis almost succeeds in taking King's Landing at the Battle of the Blackwater , but is ultimately repelled by the armies of Tywin Lannister and House Tyrell.
As his wars drag on, Stannis falls further and further under the sway of the red priestess Melisandre. With conditions growing desperate, Stannis ultimately chooses to burn his daughter, Shireen Baratheon , to melt the snows away and clear his path to Winterfell. He is defeated in the battle in the ice by Ramsay Bolton 's army, much of Stannis's own army having deserted following the burning of Shireen.
Stannis is shortly thereafter found wounded by Brienne of Tarth , once Kingsguard to Renly, who kills him for the murder of his younger brother. Steffon died when the boys were young and Robert inherited his titles. Stannis is a serious and severe man. Stannis fought for Robert during the war. He was besieged at Storm's End for much of the conflict. He was rescued from starvation by the smuggler Davos , who brought a ship full of onions into the castle. Stannis knighted Davos as a reward but also punished him for his smuggling by cutting off four fingertips from his right hand.
Davos is fiercely loyal to Stannis and saw his punishment as just. A proven warrior, Stannis went on to conquer Dragonstone , the historical seat of House Targaryen , but failed to capture the remaining Targaryen heirs, Viserys and Daenerys , who had fled to the Free Cities with the assistance of loyalists.