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She's mighty-mighty, just lettin' it all hang out She's a brick The lady's stacked and that's a fact, Ain't holding nothing back. Oh, she's a brick Yeah, she's the one, the only one, built like an Amazon" — Commodores , "Brick House". The Amazonian Beauty is what happens when Ms.
Fanservice hulks out. Often times, such as in fighting video games like Street Fighter , a lot of beautiful women are jacked but no one comments on it, since to the characters it is the norm for them to see characters like that, despite the fact that they are still Ms Fanservices who go above and beyond the call of duty in some cases. Is the female character in question muscular? Is her muscularity emphasized pointed out in-universe or by flexing , or is she noticeably large?
Is her muscle the integral and dominant physical trait of her bare skin due to large mass or definition? Is most of the skin sculpted or bulky instead of smooth? Fairchild at right is an excellent example of both "sculpted" skin and muscle mass. Of course, this can be Depending on the Artist. This female character can take her muscularity to Heroic Build levels. Other times they started out with a normal physique but circumstances led them to train and develop a very athletic and muscular body; which most of the time is due to conflict, tragedy or simple because they have good genetics or have a passion to train and fight.
They always have large breasts, strong toned muscles, toned midriffs, sculpted abs, toned broad shoulders, and strong well-developed legs. An Amazonian Beauty will sometimes spend all her time in her battle gear in order to lead into a She Cleans Up Nicely moment when the plot requires stuffing her into more feminine attire like a ballgown or a wedding dress, both of which invariably end in Kicking Ass in All Her Finery.