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Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. Read Whole - AfaseCoop. Its them. Visitor and Principal Officers Past and Present Chancellors Vice-Chancellors since the inception of the University Provost and Deans Officers of the College of Medicine. Honorary Graduands of the University Emeritus Professors Gold Medalists Standing Committees of Council Standing Committees of Senate Academic, All min istra is e and Technical Staff List Notes on the University Notes on Academic Units College of Medicine School of Postgraduate Studies Faculty of Arts Faculty of Business Administration Faculty of Education Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Environmental Sciences Faculty of Law Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Science Academic and Official Costumes Office of the Vice-Chancellor International School Staff School Nursery School Places of Worship Medical Centre Spoon Centre Housing Unit Works and Physical Planning Department University of Lagos Investment and Development Company Sources of Information on Services to Students Admission Requirements Regulations Governing First Degree Courses Regulations Governing the Conduct of Examinations University of Lagos Act List of Past Council Members List of Past Principal Officers Senior Non-teaching Staff by Function and Nationality Non-teaching Staff by Category and Sex Prosecute vigorously in-service training programmes for the staff of the University.
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PhD lawn CEng.. AM Prod E. FA Eng. MSc London,. Loge WREN. Engineering, the Schools of African frican and Asian Studies. University crisis of t followed by the national crisis of Centres as listed above in paragraph 3. Chairman of Council, Chief Afe 13aba Iola,. On the 5"" February, , Senator the I Ion.
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