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Posted September 19, Reviewed by Jessica Schrader. The drug will become available on October 17th. There has been much discussion in the media over whether the drug is pro- or anti-feminist. But the really important question is, "Does it make you horny? Flibanserin treats desire, unlike Viagra, which improves performance. Flibanserin is not "female Viagra"—Viagra is taken before sex and it pretty much assures an erection. Flibanserin must be taken every day and is being marketed as a drug to increase desire.
So how does Flibanserin actually increase sexual desire? To find out, I spoke to the expert on rat sexuality , James Pfaus, and learned how Flibanserin affects female rats with the hope this might shed some light on how it affects women. Pfaus, professor at Concordia University and president-elect of the International Academy of Sex Research, gave me a crash course on the sexual behavior of female rats.
Female rats love sex and make their desires known very clearly. They pursue sex actively with partners they find attractive and avoid sex with rats they don't find attractive. They love to have their clitorises stimulated with a paintbrush. No slut- shaming among rats. The low dose of estradiol created a sex hormone scenario similar to women going through menopause.
Usually, a female rat whose ovaries have been removed and is given a low dose of estradiol will not initiate or "solicit" sex. After a two-day trial, Flibanserin restored these rats to their normal rate of solicitations. Impressive results! However, human sexuality cannot be observed so easily, nor is it so straightforward. In the drug trials, some women were given Flibanserin and others a placebo. All were asked to keep a diary of their sexual experiences. They also met with a psychologist once a week.