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Official websites use. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Address correspondence to: Dr. E-mail: han-zhu. This study assessed key characteristics of this subgroup of men who have sex with men MSM in China. Of eligible MSM, Besides marriage as a strong predictor odds ratio: H omosexuality has a long history in China, and can be traced with historical evidence back to the Shang dynasty in — BC.
In the past decade, men who have sex with men MSM have become visible; 3 however, homosexual behaviors still carry a stigma in Chinese society and the stigma for MSM is mainly due to social norms against homosexuality, males' responsibility to carry the family line, and their high risks for human immunodeficiency virus HIV infections or sexually transmitted infections STIs.
Because HIV prevalence has increased from 0. Numerous publications have assessed the prevalence of having female sexual partners among Chinese MSM, 9 — 13 but there is no study investigating the predictors for bisexual behaviors and comparing the sexual behaviors among those who ever have and those who never have female sexual partners.
We conducted this study in the metropolitan city of Beijing, China to evaluate the demographic factors related to the behavior of having had sex with women among Chinese MSM. We conducted a cross-sectional study among MSM in Beijing during and Participants were recruited from the community by using mixed sampling approaches, including VCT clinic patients, advertisement on gay websites, outreach to MSM frequented venues e.