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Ex thankfully BT person here. That's absolutely spot-on. I have not-so-fond memories of being on performance manglement calls where we were all told "we don't have enough people ranked as 'needs improvement'" or whatever it was called. Everyone who wasn't a sociopathic people manager knew exactly what a 'witch hunt' meant. I was very glad to get out of there.
On my last day, I deliberately nuked my laptop and Blackberry for no reason other than pure spite. The quote you're thinking of is:. Whatever I thought of them, I couldn't help admiring the ingenuity of the men who has perpetrated the scheme. The O's and A's had given them a bit of trouble but the C's and L's were perfect. Excel has been both a blessing and a curse throughout my working life. A blessing because it's given me plenty of work fixing cock-ups caused by its being ab used for data entry and preparation, and a curse because I've had to set about fixing the cock-ups in the first place.
Lowlights along the way include Excel outputs breaking batch loads thanks to its 'smart quotes' feature, a major row at a Very Big Bank because the 'test data validation team' were oblivious to the Software from Hell's propensities for arbitrarily reformatting dates, another series of little oopsies caused by the silent conversion of large integers into exponentials and data quality reports going haywire because saved CSV files had loads of empty trailing rows.
If Serco really are using Excel as a main data store, they deserve to be hung out to dry and permanently barred from getting any future government work, considering the money that Spaffer's spaffed on them.