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Obot U Obot, Unyime R. Etuk, Mfon. U Etuk and Emmanuel E. The specific objectives for addressing the main objectives were to examine the profile of male and female farmers by type of agricultural entrepreneurial activities, examine the profile of respondents by information sources for agricultural entrepreneurship activities, assess the respondents by their motivation for entrepreneurship and assess the entrepreneurial personality traits EPTs of agro- entrepreneurship possess by the male and female farmers in Akwa Ibom State.
Eighty six 86 males and sixty-four 64 female respondents were selected for the study using a multi-stage sampling procedure. Descriptive and inferential statistics such as means, frequencies, percentages, Z-Test and cluster analysis were applied to analyze the data for this study. From the results, the major types of agricultural entrepreneurship activity carried out by the male respondents was poultry farming The major sources of information of agricultural entrepreneurship were extension agents The primary motivation for entrepreneurship recorded by the respondents was recognition of business opportunity Z-test result on the difference in the EPTs of male and female entrepreneurs in the study area showed that there was a significant difference in all the six personality traits adopted for this study Passion, Openness to Experience, Resilience, Strong Sense of Self-Confidence, Conscientiousness and Vision.
The result further shows that members of cluster 2 average EPT level formed the majority in the entire respondents and female. Akpabio, I. O Eds. Journal of Small Business Management, 53 3 : Asghar M. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences 10 1 : Ashfar M. The Nation. Brandstatter, H.
Personality and Individual Differences, 51 3 , Entrepreneurship Education for Sustainable Economy. EkonometriVeIstatistik5 1 Duricova, V. Technical University of Kosice. Effiong, N. Journal of Education, 8 1 Esiobu, N. International Journal of African and Asian Studies, 7: 92 Espiritu-Olmos, R. Journal of Business Research, 68, Etuk, U. Jonah, K. Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology 18 1 : R, Ukpong, U. Journal of Forestry, Environment and Sustainable Development.