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To browse Academia. Nemeti Sorin , Beata Barbocz. The centuriae from the praetentura sinistra of the fortress of legio V Macedonica from Potaissa Turda, Cluj County were excavated during — archaeological seasons.
The stratigraphy of the Roman complex is affected by various late antique, medieval and modern destructions and interventions. In the following, archaeological material will be analysed from contexts dated to the Early Migration Period 5th—6th centuries which overlap Barrack I.
We publish here a Kreisaugen decorated bow fibula and pottery fragments. The ceramic material is much diversified considering the production techniques and the vessel shapes.
The large variety of vessel shapes shows their intended function, and gives a glimpse into everyday life in this period. Rob Wanner. Dacia was one of the last territories annexed by the Roman Empire and was also the first province to be given its independence.