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I would say such old people back then. They had those Jewish stars. And someone cried. There was a general practitioner in the house below, he was Schlesinger. They also did not return, only the son returned. They had a daughter upstairs, they were about the same age, and that daughter came back. There was also a Jewish shack next door, so perfect, it was a lawyer. His name was Stern, they also had one daughter and one son, and they didn't return either, only the daughter.
They converted to the evangelical faith and changed their name. Those Sterns were Javor and that Lengyel was Livor. And those down there didn't Schlesinger , they stayed as Jews. Well, they took them, but only at the end, because the Germans also needed those doctors. I do not know it. But it looked that way. We lived here since , he was born in Unfortunately, he died in And I know that I still sinned against him then, because those guys, he was 15 years old at the time, hung there like those tanks, so I say - Good Lord, you don't know what can happen.
There someone throws a rock or something and they can start shooting or something. Don't you dare go there. They were here like a college, there, especially in that street, there was a tank next to a tank. And that's where those kids used to go. I know that when they arrived on August 21, the man's colleague called that the Russians were here.
Still in the morning at five o'clock or whatever. And there was a dairy in the next barrack, and there she also had sugar, flour and all kinds of products. When I went there at seven, there wasn't even a kilo left. Not even a liter of milk, as soon as people found out, they bought everything. I remember that side of it. It was a great joy. People cheered because it fell. And then the reporting started. My father could not get a job for a long time because he was accused of making a pact with the Germans.