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Go to advanced search. SomaliNet Forums Largest online Somali community! Skip to content. Search Advanced search. Quick links. Search found matches Page of Can't tell from the outside. But I do agree, we tend to judge females based on their appearance rather than their behavior. As comedian Dave chappele says: Just because a woman dresses in certain way does not mean she is a whore, but she is wearing whores' uniform. Just like You can't You are just reflecting the hopes of the HAGites.
Shacabka media is a site owned by MJ, who have a huge cuqdad against MR. Just like Hawiye have their own internal feuds, Darood are no different. This is from shacabkamedia the most anti-govt website. Dhinaca kale, Siyaasiyiinta, waxgaradka iyo qeybaha bulshada gobolka Gedo oo kulan uu uga socday maalmahan magaalada Garbahaarey ayaa sheegay iney qaadaceen ka qeyb galka shirka Kismayo o I will post the link in 2 seconds.
Coalitions from jigjiga, gaarisa and garoowe were arriving kismaayo to vote for shaykh ahm He said no khilaafaat between the leaders and before he go abroad to show his cabinets achievements there is alot left to finish. The prophet pbuh. Ok sxb let us wait and i may see.
You seem self-assured how can you walk in a different paths at the same time? Descend from your aloofness man. Im not saying its not reachable but the usual drama my interrupt its course before the governments influence. The govt has appointed Jump to.