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I always looked forward to it at funerals. Usually green or red jello that had been pulverized and mixed with cool whip then studded with mini marshmallows and halved grapes.
I think She calls herself by it when she thinks her resolve is slipping. She breaches the basement lair, muttering her last name through clenched teeth. I can speak to the monster but my parents cannot. All day, they ask me what the monster is saying, and I tell them. There is no monster where they come from, so when we see his truck rolling by, when we smell the bottles rattling in the bed before we hear them, my parents lean towards each other like plants craning towards the sunniest window—towards the thing they need most to stay living.
The monster speaks through me to The woman shuffled a few feet behind her toddler in the park down the street from the hospital.
Only one parent was allowed in the NICU at a time, and no kids. She trudged along, blood soaking the pad between her legs, yellowish milk leaking from her breasts every time she thought of her new baby. The toddler had a small toy, a battery-operated plush hamster named Hello. Hello was an especially annoying toy that repeated everything you said, or Sarah draws little moustaches on her headshots on the flyers announcing her latest poetry reading. Sometimes the department finds them, takes them down, prints off more, and hangs them.