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Comments Off on Have a great weekend. Posted in Have A Great Weekend. Tagged have a great weekend. Secondly, the first Triffid Ranch show of the season is scheduled for ConDFW on the weekend of February 17 through the 19th, so of course a show of equal interest runs at the same time. Namely, the big ReptiCon Dallas reptile and amphibian show in Ennis. The only wise option, of course, is to come out to both. I imagine a lot of other people will do so as well, once they hear the news.
And lastly, it features a new hotel, with much easier access to DFW Airport. A new lineup of guests. Carnivorous plants and horror conventions go together like vanilla orchids and cacao, and I just might have a few examples of both this year.
Get your hotel space now, or forever hold your peace. Posted in Thursday is Resource Day. A bit of context. This blog features regular reviews of books, horticultural products, and interesting related items, under this proviso. All items reviewed will be purchased by the reviewer in advance, at full retail price, in order to prevent any conflict of interest.
Information about upcoming releases is greatly appreciated, but receipt of advance copies or samples will be announced well in advance and will not influence the final review. The world has enough Jeff Craigs and Maria Salases as it is. Many writers have particular phrases or literary misuses that drive them insane.