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Includes index. ISBN set 1. Animals, Mythical. E Manufactured in the United States of America. These topics are mysteries,and human beings are naturally curious aboutmysteries. In trying to get to the bottom ofthem, we find ourselves learning about sciencealong the way. Moreover, we learn about it in away that shows science not to be a boring, cutand-driedsubject as it is sometimes portrayed inpopular culture. I was already a teacher when I becamecurious about whether Loch Ness monsterscould be real, and my curiosity led me to learnabout—among other things—biology and geologyand the history, philosophy, and sociologyof science.
The latter interests eventually led tofruitful changes of career and intellectual activity,for which I have long been grateful. So onevalue of cryptozoology lies in its ability to stimulatecuriosity and the good things that tend tofollow on that. Cryptozoology also has value for science itself. Further, cryptozoological investigationssometimes have beneficial side effects. The realization, spurred byNESSIE hunting, that very little was knownabout the ecology of Loch Ness has led to a varietyof useful discoveries and continuing researchthere.
Scientists can benefit, like everyone else,from needing to rethink long accepted facts. Can a lack ofcaptured or killed specimens be decisive, even asvery few people have gone looking?