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We want it to be free for you and everyone else. Will you support our community-funded journalism today? Sometimes, the questions are about family matters—as in the case of a recent phone call in which a woman asked about her rights within Islam to break the bond of marriage after her husband abandoned the family and refused to divorce her. Other times, the questions are about finance, especially taking out loans with interest, which Islam prohibits.
Trying to explain these legal opinions to every individual, Mohamed realized, takes a lot of time and energy. Anthony, Minnesota. Over the past year, BRC has become a hub for academics and experts to tackle unspoken challenges including family problems, special education, substance abuse, mental illness, homelessness, and more. The interview was conducted in Somali and has been edited for length and clarity.
I was born in Saudi Arabia. I completed my primary education there. Then my family and I moved to Qardho, Somalia, where I completed my high school. My research interests include political philosophy and Islamic studies.
I also studied Islam the traditional way: under various sheikhs in learning circles at mosques and Islamic centers. Somalis, for the most part, have moved here without a plan.